Welcome to Advanced Family Home Health

At Advanced Family Home Health 1, Inc., we are passionate in providing the best possible quality care in home health services. Our physical therapists and registered nurses are trained with the highest level of education to provide the best quality in the care and assessment of our clients and their needs.

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About Us

We are dedicated to constantly improve and enhance our knowledge so we can provide top quality care to our clients through new approaches, treatments, and innovations.

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Our Networks

Advanced Family Home Health 1, Inc. proudly serves individuals throughout Cook, Lake and Du Page counties, including suburbs such as Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Glenview, Mount Prospect, Prospect Heights, Rolling Meadows, and Wheeling.

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Excellence in all we do
Commitment to service
Integrity in the conduct of our business
Honesty in all relationships
Respect and compassion for each human life
Positive spirit and team work
Individual and team responsibility


Home health care consists of in-home health care that accommodates to various patient needs. At Advanced Family Home Health , Inc., we provide physical therapy, as well as nursing and home health aid services. Our home health agency is designed to match patients with our skilled aides to assist in the highest level of care in the comfort of your own home.

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